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text-decoration test

The styles applied here are:

   OL A:link, OL A:visited { text-decoration: none; color: red; }
   UL A:link, UL A:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: green; }

There is a setting in Opera 3.5 that is supposed to set whether links are, by default, underlined or not. That is, there is an option in the UI (user interface) to change part of the UA stylesheet between either of the following:

   /* links underlined by default */
   A:link, A:visited { text-decoration: underline; }
   /* links not underlined by default */
   A:link, A:visited { text-decoration: none; }

For some reason best known to itself, when the first of the two options above is selected, Opera's UA stylesheet overrides the author stylesheets and prevents any links from not being underlined.

To see this, turn on link underlining (it is off by default) and look at the following:

  1. This link should not be underlined, regardless of UA stylesheet settings.

This link should be in the style set by the UA stylesheet.

For some strange reason, there is a related problem with the Framed setting for links in Opera. When links are set to Framed, the colours get overridden. You can see this by turning the setting on and off and looking at the colour of the two links above. The first one should be red, the second should be green.

Note. To turn on link underlining by default from within Opera, select Preferences, Link Presentation and then check the two checkboxes labeled Underline at the top of the left and right panels (Visited and Unvisited respectively). The Framed setting is on the same dialog box.