Word From The WaSP
NGlayout: Help Netscape become standards compliant
Netscape has yet to decide upon whether or not to include NGlayout in
their 5.0 release of Navigator. NGlayout is their next generation
rendering engine that will (supposedly) be 100% compliant with CSS1 and
DOM level 1. The time frame between the projected launch of NS5 and the
level of completion of NGlayout is the issue.
You can help. Download a version of
their NGlayout viewer from
members.tripod.com/~mozillabuilds/nglayout.html (Win32 only at the moment).
And then help out directly by following the instructions attached
below. There is much more chance that Netscape will include NGlayout, and support of the standards, if the code is done. And for that to occur, they need our help.
We need help from people who do not code:
Report Crashes
Download an NGLayout build and run the viewer, browsing popular web sites.
If (When) you crash the viewer, send a list of URLs that crash the viewer
to this newsgroup, or to rickg netscape.com. Be sure to include the URL of
the site, the operating system you're on (Win95 or WinNT, etc.), and the
date of your build.
Report Layout Problems
Download an NGLayout build and run the viewer, browsing popular web sites.
If you run into problems with layout on a particular site, send mail to
the newsgroup with a description of what looks wrong, the URL of the site,
the OS you are running, and the date of your build. Expect to see quite a
bit of this sort of thing right now.
Test Cases and Suites
Try to simplify problems you experience down to the most simple level.
Having a URL for a site with 50k of content is one thing, knowing that the
little snippet of HTML "foo" doesn't work right is quite another.
If you can give us a simpler example of your problem, do so. Also, please
run the viewer against test suites such as the CSS test suite at
www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/ and any other test suites for HTML and
DOM. Again, report problems to this group and someone will file in
bugzilla as necessary.
Create Cool Content
Download the viewer and create some whizzy, standards-based dynamic
content using our best-of-breed CSS support and the 100% standards-based
DOM. Surely there will be some good stuff we can work on in this category
along the lines of "how-to's" and whatnot that would be of interest to the
webmonkey audience. In turn, perhaps that audience would like to create
some of this whizzy content.
We also need help from people who do code:
Mac Geeks:
Help us get shared objects working on the mac. Help us port gfx and the
widget library to the Mac. Contact kostello netscape.com if you want to
help. This will get NGLayout working on the Mac!
Font Geeks:
Help us get Small Caps working in our font library (libfont). Also help
with support for "oblique" and other minor fixes in the font library.
Contact peterl netscape.com and dp netscape.com to help.
Postscript Geeks:
Michael Plitkins could use a version of the graphics classes for doing
PostScript output. Contact michaelp netscape.com to help.
Frame History:
We have no frame history yet in NGLayout. Contact scullin netscape.com and
karnaze netscape.com to help.
ActiveX Geeks:
Want to make NGLayout into an ActiveX control? This is the subject of
frequent postings in these newsgroups. Contact rpotts netscape.com.
Unix Geeks:
NGLayout runs on Linux and Irix. Help get it running on other Unix
platforms. Email kostello netscape.com to help with this and other unix
HTML 4.0 Geeks:
Create a really nice test suite for HTML 4.0-specific features, and post
the URL in this newsgroup. Then run the viewer against the test suite and
let us know what doesn't work. For HTML 4.0 forms issues, contact
karnaze netscape.com for info on how to help.
Style Geeks:
Fill us in on what CSS2 features are most important to you by posting
suggestions here. Create a test suite for CSS2. Post the URL for the suite
here, and run the viewer against your tests. Run the viewer against the
existing Mozilla CSS1 test suite. Ask peterl netscape.com
for info on how you can help.
Other Geeks:
If you're interested in the following issues: XML, parsing, general layout, contact rickg netscape.com.
There's a lot of other work that needs addressing. If you think you can help, let us know, and we'll try to point you in the right direction. Also, please download our latest source
code (best bet is via CVS, as we're updating the source constantly).